
These are ministries that have been helpful to me at various points in following Christ. I can’t guarantee I agree with every bit of content they have when it comes to secondary topics of doctrine and conduct, but I do agree with them that Jesus is Lord and deserves all of our lives. We have the Holy Spirit and we can disagree over things, but there are many solid resources within each of these ministries that have shaped my relationship and devotion to Christ.

Ligonier Ministries

The ministry website for R.C. Sproul with content from many other trusted teachers and preachers. R.C. teaches in a way that is so clear to me. I really enjoy his metaphors and the way he discusses the Bible with passion.

This is my most used resource as of 2022, and it continues to aid daily in my walk with God. It has grown my appreciation for my local church and fellowship among other believers. It’s a subscription service, but it worth more than it’s weight in gold.



David Platt has grown my appreciation for the Bible and the mission of God to save people from every tribe, tongue, and nation throughout the World. (Matthew 28:18-20) His sermons are convicting and encouraging simultaneously in a very unique way. Plus, he’s just a super likeable guy.

Grace to You

Grace to You is the ministry of John Macarthur. When it comes to Biblical study and knowledge, John has over 50 years in his ministry and his study Bible has been distributed to millions worldwide. You can find any sermon he has ever preached here.


Canon Press

Probably the most controversial of my recommendations, I nonetheless love Canon Press. Their publications bring faith into practice in ways that I find very refreshing. Their authors are incredibly unique and help me think critically and imaginatively at the same time.


Bahnsen U

This is an online library of lectures given by Dr. Greg Bahnsen. He has helped me understand my belief in the Bible as sufficient, with reason and logic as a subsidiary of the fact that the Bible is true and Jesus is Lord.

Desiring God

There is, perhaps, no other ministry that has affected my faith more than John Piper’s He was used by God through his sermons to establish me in the faith at a time when I was wrestling with doubt. It grew my love for the Bible so much.


Scripture Memory

I recommend this app to anyone who is wanting to memorize Scripture. You can pick a verse, passage, or chapter at a time. Psalm 119:11: “I have treasured Your word in my heart, So that I may not sin against you.”